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Countering Challenges to our Claim to Eretz Yisrael - Parashat Toldot 5766 - November 13, 2015

In this week’s parasha, Toldot, Yitzchak is faced with a challenge that his father, Avraham, had faced in the previous generation – famine in the land. Whereas Avraham left Israel and sojourned to Egypt in search of food, Yitzchak is commanded by Hashem to stay in the land. Hashem reassured Yitzchak that He will be with him and that he will be blessed.

As Yitzchak grows in stature and in wealth, the local Philistines become jealous of his success. The pasuk says, “and he (Yitzchak) had flocks of sheep and cattle and a great deal of crops and the Philistines were jealous. And the Philistines closed up all of the wells that his father’s servants had dug in the days of his father Avraham and filled them with dirt.” Avimelech, the king of the Philistines, told Yitzchak to move. Complying with his wishes, Yitzchak moved on to Nachal Gerar. In this new location, Yitzchak uncovered wells that Avraham had dug but that had subsequently been covered by the Philistines and renamed them. Yitzchak also dug a new well in this location. The Philistine shepherds fought with Yitzchak’s shepherds. When Yitzchak dug another new well, the Philistines continued the fight. Yitzchak moves on and digs another well and names it Rechovot. The Philistines ceased fighting with Yitzchak.

What is the lesson of this incident?

The European Union announced yesterday that it will insist that some goods produced on land conquered during the Six-Day War must be labeled “made in settlements”. Whereas Israel exports $13 billion worth of products to the EU, this subset of products represent only $10 million in annual exports to the 28 countries of the EU. E.U. Move Fans Fear of Boycott Aimed at Israel

On the surface, this demand seems trivial – like something that we could ignore. The demand amounts to products worth less than the aggregate budget of all of the Jewish institutions in Memphis – spread over 28 countries and a population 50 percent greater than that of the United States!

Through the incident of Yitzchak and the Philistines, the Torah is teaching us a very important lesson about life in the Land of Israel for the Jewish People. Other nations will constantly attempt to undermine our claim to the land. It was well-known that the first and second set of wells belonged to Avraham – yet the Philistines undermined Yitzchak’s claim. The Philistines fought with Yitzchak and made claims on his wells. Finally, in Rechovot, Yitzchak experiences peace. It is only through Yitzchak’s tenacity that the Philistines gave up their tactic.

Constant adversity and the undermining of our claim is part of life for the Jewish People in the Land of Israel. This labeling requirement is only one more tactic to try to undermine our claim to the Land. Yitzchak teaches us that we will achieve peace through tenacity and through remaining resolute in our commitment to our claim to the Land of Israel. Let us pray that Hashem should give the Jewish People the tenacity and resilience of our forefather, Yitzchak.

Shabbat Shalom.


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